Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog # 4

Since I began the Principles of Instructional Technology class I feel that I have learned a great deal on how to use technology in the classroom.  Before taking this class my idea of technology in the classroom would have been a standard PowerPoint presentation. I now know that there are many ways in presenting information.   I will be able to use the technologies I learned in this course when I have a class of my own. 
            The WebQuest is a great tool that can present information and provide resources interactively.  It is an exciting way to keep the students interest and focus on the task at hand.  It is a nice change from the standard lecture and test that would be given in the classroom.  With the WebQuest there are many options on what to include that the learning possibilities seem endless.
            Before taking Principles of Instructional Technology I was not very confident in my knowledge of technology.  I thought I knew a decent amount but was surprised by all that I have learned and the opportunities that exist.  Technology in the classroom presents a great opportunity to step away from the traditional presentation and can assist in keeping the interest of the students. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blog Post # 3

I believe that the technologies learned in the last couple of modules can be very useful in the classroom.  The video editing program can be used to assist in presenting a subject.  Once I learned how to create the video, I was excited about how simple it can be to present a storyboard in a video format.  This opened up many possibilities on how to incorporate a video into the classroom.    Implementing a video in the lesson plan can be a good way to gain attention of the students.  Having the students use the video program for presentations can be a tool that keeps them engaged and excited.  This can be a nice change from the standard presentation.  

Before completing the “Create your Wiki” assignment I did not know how to create a Wiki.  I also did not realize the ways that Twitter and PodCasting could be used in the classroom.  Making lectures available with PodCasting may be something I would consider when I have my own classroom.  This could be useful for my students that may have needed to miss a class or just want to review the lecture.  I also thought that using Twitter in the classroom was an interesting concept but am hesitant due to the distractions I feel it may present.  Regardless, I am excited about learning these technologies and the endless possibilities they create. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Post # 2

Since my first blog post I believe I have gained a more in depth understanding of how to incorporate technology into the classroom.  Before taking Principles of Instructional Technology I had never used Google Docs or Kidspiration.  I believe both will be very useful in my future teaching.  Google Docs can be a great resource for creating a grade sheet while Kidspiration can be a great resource for assisting visual learners.  I especially found the PowerPoint assignment to be very useful.  I have used PowerPoint before but simply for presentation purposes.  I did not realise the interactive opportunities PowerPoint is capable of.  I believe the technologies learned in Principles of Instructional Technology will be very useful in my future classroom and will be very interested on  which useful tools will be presented next.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Post # 1

Since Principles of Instructional Technology was scheduled as my first class at Ashland University I was unsure on what to expect.  After only a couple of weeks into the course I am pleased that it was scheduled early in my Ashland University coursework plan.  I believe technology is becoming more and more relevant in the classroom and it is important to be aware of what technology can offer.  The first two assignments were to create an information portal via the web and to create a newsletter.  I plan on applying both to my future classroom.  The information portal and the newsletter would be helpful for presenting information to my students and/or the student’s parents.    

At my current job at the Buckeye Ranch we supply children with opportunities to access our computer lab.  The computers have programs the children can work on that features games in the subjects of math, science, social studies, and English.  I am encouraged by how many of the children work on the program but at times I wonder whether they are actually taking in the information or are simply playing the game.  Regardless, I suppose at least they are playing games that have knowledge incentives. 

I believe there are many advantages to using technology in the classroom.  Technology may benefit in keeping the students engaged in the teaching material.  Presenting information in a variety of ways, opposed to the standard lecture, can keep the students interested.  I also believe that technology can serve as a helpful supplementary aid for students with disabilities.  Technology such as a computer or calculator can reduce the impact of a student’s impairment.

Some arguments of technology in the classroom could be that students may not realize the danger of posting information on the Internet.  When students are using a computer they should be informed on what they should and should not post.  Another argument could be that student may become too reliant on the technology.  For example, a student in math class that can work on problems with computers and calculators, but did not spend enough time working out problems by hand.